Edventure Travel wants to create a win-win situation and support social projects in Costa Rica and Central-America. Edventure acts as a platform for motivated and inspiring entrepreneurs who contribute to keeping your holiday destination and the world clean and beautiful. We currently support several great initiatives that are committed to a cleaner sea, cleaner beaches and a cleaner world.
You can read more about their projects below.
Carolina Sevilla started the #5MinuteBeachCleanUp movement in 2016. Her aim is to create awareness and to stimulate people to contribute to tackling the global problem of plastic and waste.
Carolina challenges you to clean up the beach for just 5 minutes, to take a picture of the waste you’ve gathered and publish your phote on social media with the hashtag #5minutebeachcleanup. The idea behind this is to make the movement bigger and to inspire more and more people to do the same. By cleaning up the beach for 5 minutes, you contribute a little bit to and you become more aware of the challenges we are currently facing with regards to plastic and waste.
Go to #5minutebeachcleanup
Stichting Klean has a positive attitude and is against the Plastic Soup. Founder Peter Smith explains: Klean’s logo is like a butterfly. This has to do with the butterfly effect: “A butterfly blow in Brazil can cause a hurricane in Texas.” Everyone who hears this statement for the first time thinks: “Nonsense!” Like I did. Meanwhile, I have experienced that the butterfly effect really does exist. All great things find their cause in something small. You yourself are an example of this. The Universe was ever infinitely small.
Our world has many problems. All these problems have different causes. However, there is one thing that links all these problems together.
The biggest destructive force on earth is people’s belief that the little bit they do, is not enough to make a difference.
The only thing that we have to do, is to change this belief. Then that destructive force will prove to be a constructive power.
We from Klean want to change people’s minds with the Plastic Madonna project. We will succeed with your help. We then stop the growth of the Plastic Soup free of charge! If 25% of people clean up one piece of litter per day, we collect 8 billion kilos of waste per year, the same amount of waste that is now produced every year.
Go to KLEANEvery year at least 8 billion tons of plastic end up in the ocean. These plastics – varying from large to microscopically small – have a devastating effect on the environment, on animals and possibly on ourselves. By The Ocean, We Unite no longer wants to be on the sidelines.
By the Ocean we Unite is a dynamic movement that increases awareness of plastic pollution in our oceans in a positive way. The organization organizes sailing expeditions, educational activities, lectures, research project and more. All this motivates people to take action to reduce their plastic footprint so that less plastic ends up in our oceans.
Go to By The Ocean We Unite
The rainforest in Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful and special places on earth. The country is a biodiversity hotspot with regards to plants and animals. It is essential that these natural resources are protected and retained for current and future generations. Work With Nature does this by buying land and protecting the rainforest on it. The land they purchase is placed directly under the nature conservation law of Costa Rica, making it forever protected against commercial exploitation.
The organisation goes one step further however: together with Oscar, a Costa Rican ranger, they ensure involvement and awareness among the local population so that trees are not secretly cut down nor animals are poached. Work With Nature is being succesful. To the areas they protect, several mammals have returned! The next milestone is to protect 400 hectares of rainforest, so that sloths and various species of monkeys can live in the area again.
Go to Work With NatureCosta Rican artist Erian Herrera was born and raised in a small village near the Arenal volcano. A few years ago he decided to quit his job at a Dutch pot plant grower and turn his passion into a fulltime job: turning waste into art.
Erian is a craftsman with a great imagination who find his inspiration in the vibrant nature which surrounds his hometown. He’s constantly working on new items made from waste: empty cans, bottles, milk cartons, car tires etc. Gradually he developed his own vision on recycling as well as a unique artistic style. He opened his own shop and now sells his artwork to travelers passing by. Because of his work he also became aware of the fact that he himself is a creator of change in his own town and stimulates recycling in his hometown and organizes recycle workshops at local schools.
Waste separation and reuse of materials is still in its infancy in Costa Rica, but things are changing. Costa Rica is promoting itself as the perfect eco-tourism destination and slowly large scale recycle campaigns are being set up to create more awareness, not only towards tourists, but especially towards the local population. Erian uses his artistic skills to contribute to this development and wants to keep sharing his knowledge and skills on a local basis, especially towards children.
Go to ErianEdventure Travel is always interested in new initiatives. Do you have tips or ideas? Please contact us!